This course is for people who care for others and struggle.
If you find you often feel reluctant, resistant or resentful in your caregiving role, whatever your role is, I can help.
In this course you will learn how to maintain your emotional, psychological and physical balance so you can support yourself and the people for who you care.
Carekeeping is my offer to support people to stay in and care. Even when you don’t want to, struggle with what you are called to do or just don’t know how to do it.
My course is for you if you:
During this course, you will learn ways to sustain yourself in your caring role so you can recover from emotional fatigue and support your ability to function as a care-giver. You will learn an approach to self-care and caregiving that make each better.
Carekeeping is a 4-week program. You will access online audio recordings and learning guides so you can listen and learn on the go. Your learning will be embedded within your life each week. You can meet once a week in a small group to learn and support each other. I will support you by email or short calls each week.
Registration is open now – live classes start October 13. You can join at 9 am (MST) or 7:30 pm (MST).
In the future, I will be offering this course in a different format; this is your last chance to take this as a small group class with a high level of support from me at this price.
The course is $197. I am accepting 10 people into the class.
You can email me each week between sessions with questions. I will send you weekly reminders and tips to support you in your learning. Because, life happens. Carekeeping is learning that fits with your life.
Would you like to stop feeling resistant to being a caregiver? Would you like one of the spots in this course?
What past participants have said:
“For years, I felt there was no balance as a parent. Learning to anchor myself in self care while caring for my kids was profound for me.”
“It took me a long time to accept that I too needed some care. Learning how care can flow two ways made a real difference for me.”
“When I am feeling resentful, those feelings were draining me and I didn’t realize it. Accepting my feelings gave me back my energy.”
“The learning in the course was simple but went very deep. I feel a strength to my core and a new way to see myself in this world of care.”